How to make mini wagyu burgers sliders

Have you ever thought of making your own mini wagyu burgers or sliders? I thought I’d share our burger recipe with you. Over the 12 years we’ve been in business the mini burger has to be one of the most popular menu items we’ve made. The wagyu mince is in good supply. We buy our mince from Osawa in Strathfield, you can contact the by clicking here.


Burger bun alternative

I have taken photos of the process to give you a better idea of how we put the burgers together. We make our own buns, but you can also cut rounds out of a Turkish bread skateboard.

Burger Bun Ingredients to make 20 buns

  • 475g Bread flour
  • 5g Salt
  • 35g White sugar
  • 6g Dry Yeast
  • 175g Warm water
  • 40g Full cream milk
  • 40g Melted Butter
  • 1 Egg


  • Firstly, put dry ingredients in a machine bowl with a dough hook.
  • Secondly, put the water and milk on top
  • Lastly, put the melted butter and egg in
  • Switch the machine on slow speed for 1 minute, until the ingredients have been mixed then turn up to half speed and mix for 10 minutes.

Wagyu Burgers 1

  • When the dough is finished, divide it into 2 pieces.
  • Next, each piece into an even sausage approximately 30cm long.
  • Cut each sausage in half, then each half in half, likewise, leaving 4 quarters. Cut each quarter into 3 and as a result, you should have 12 even sized pieces.
  • Make a claw grip out of your hand, put your hand over 1 piece of dough and start to make small circles with the dough underneath your claw grip hand. This will mould the piece of dough into a round roll.
  • Place the round rolls onto a tray sprayed with oil.
  • Spray the top of the buns with oil and cover with plastic wrap.
  • Leave for 1-2 hours to prove. Importantly, they will double in size.
  • Remove plastic wrap, gently brush with egg wash and optionally sprinkle with sesame seeds.
  • Bake at 180 for 5 minutes, rotate tray and bake for 5 minutes more until golden brown.

Wagyu Burgers 3


Wagyu Beef Patty

  • 1kg Osawa wagyu beef mince
  • 4g Salt
  • 5g Cracked black pepper
  • 3g Dried mixed herbs
  • 25g Tomato sauce
  • 25g BBQ sauce

Firstly, mix all ingredients together thoroughly. Secondly, shape into patty shapes about 5cm diameter and place onto a baking tray. Lastly, bake at 180 for 9 minutes.

In this case, assemble as per pictures below: 1. Cut bun in half. 2. Put teaspoon of chutney on bottom of bun. 3. Place wagyu patty. 4. Place 1/4 of a piece of sliced cheddar on top. Finally, put lid on top and secure with toothpick.

Wagyu Burgers 4  Wagyu Burgers 5 Wagyu Burgers 6 Wagyu Burgers 7



To sum up, the process is best done over 2 stages. While it can all be done together, making the buns ahead of time is an option. Moreover, the buns and patties can be made and frozen individually for assembly at a later date.


Also, you can also view wagyu burgers in our canape list here. Or send us a message by clicking here.