Our response to Covid-19

Hoping you’re all safe and well.

We have been closely monitoring the status of COVID-19 and are following direction from state and federal government.

To be honest, business has taken a huge hit, but we are still supplying catering to a couple of corporate clients during the lockdown. We will continue to operate our business throughout these difficult times.

I have listed the initiatives we are taking to promote the health and wellbeing of ourselves and our customers.

Our existing high standards of cleaning and maintenance are thorough, but we are taking extra time to disinfect and sanitise our work surfaces, equipment, premises and delivery vehicles.

We have sanitiser stations throughout our facility.

Our staff are working individually and employ mandatory social distance rules.

Our delivery containers are sanitised before they leave the kitchen and when we pickup from clients’ locations.

Deliveries and pickups are completed without contact.

We hope you all stay well, and we look forward to a time when we can get back to catering lots of parties 🎉