We know it can be challenging to find the right catering for sales meetings – catering that keeps your attendees engaged and focused on your pitch, not their empty stomachs! The last thing you want is for your attendees to be distracted because they’re hungry or not enjoying the food.

So here’s how to master the art of choosing the right catering for your next sales pitch!

Sweet or Savoury?

It’s important to consider the time of day and duration of the meeting because this helps determine whether you want sweet, savoury or a mix of the two for your meeting. For an early morning meeting, you might prefer a selection of sweet pastries but for a lunchtime meeting, you might opt for a mix of sweet and savoury.

Consider dietary restrictions

Another factor to consider is dietary restrictions. So ask attendees if they have any specific dietary needs, such as gluten-free or vegetarian. Providing a variety of options helps ensure that everyone enjoys the catering and participates fully in the meeting.

How much food to order

In terms of ordering the right amount of food, it’s better to err on the side of caution and order more than you think you’ll need. You don’t want to run out of food halfway through the meeting or have attendees fighting over the last cupcake. As a general rule, plan on ordering enough food for one and a half to two servings per person.

Select a catering provider

When selecting the right catering for sales meetings, it’s important to choose a reputable company experienced in catering for corporate events. That’s where Cupcakes and Canapes come into the picture because we’ve been supplying local companies with deliciously healthy food for years!

So why wait? Start planning your next sales meeting today and order the most scrumptious Cupcakes and Canapes you’ve ever tasted!

Call us on 0420 252 000, send us an email or simply order online.